Technical publicationsOptimizing community screening for tuberculosis: Spatial analysis of localized case finding from door-to-door screening for TB in an urban district of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Luan Nguyen Quang Vo , Thanh Nguyen Vu, Hoa Trung Nguyen, Tung Thanh Truong, Canh Minh Khuu, Phuong Quoc Pham, Lan Huu Nguyen, Giang Truong Le, Jacob Creswell 18 December 2018 - Plos One
Technical publicationsThe Impact of Funding on Childhood TB Case Detection in Pakistan
Malik AA, Hussain H, Creswell J, Siddiqui S, F Ahmed J, Madhani F, Habib A, Khan AJ, Amanullah F 15 December 2019 - Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Technical publicationsThe cost-effectiveness of incentive-based active case finding for tuberculosis control in the private sector Karachi, Pakistan
Hamidah Hussain, Amani Thomas Mori, Aamir J. Khan, Saira Khowaja, Jacob Creswell, Thorkild Tylleskar, Bjarne Robberstad 12 October 2019 - BMC Health Services Research
Technical publicationsUsing artificial intelligence to read chest radiographs for tuberculosis detection: A multi-site evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of three deep learning systems.
Qin ZZ, Sander MS, Rai B, Titahong CN, Sudrungrot S, Laah SN, Adhikari LM, Carter EJ, Puri L, Codlin AJ, Creswell J 18 October 2019 - Scientific Reports
Screening and DiagnosisUsing artificial intelligence to read chest radiographs for tuberculosis detection: A multi-site evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of three deep learning systems.
Qin ZZ, Sander MS, Rai B, Titahong CN, Sudrungrot S, Laah SN, Adhikari LM, Carter EJ, Puri L, Codlin AJ, Creswell J
Technical publicationsCosts and operation management of community outreach program for tuberculosis in tribal populations in India.
Sohn H, Vyas A, Puri L, Gupta S, Qin ZZ, Codlin A, Creswell J. 21 June 2019 - Public Health Action
Technical publicationsPerformance of algorithms for tuberculosis active case finding in underserved high-prevalence settings in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study
Kimcheng Choun, Tom Decroo, Tan Eang Mao, Natalie Lorent, Lisanne Gerstel, Jacob Creswell, Andrew J. Codlin, Lutgarde Lynen & Sopheak Thai 5 September 2019 - Global Health Action
Screening and DiagnosisSystematic screening for tuberculosis among hospital outpatients in Cameroon: The role of screening and testing algorithms to improve case detection.
Technical publicationsPrimeStore MTM and OMNIgene Sputum for the Preservation of Sputum for Xpert MTB/RIF Testing in Nigeria.
Bimba JS, Lawson L, Kontogianni K, Edwards T, Ekpenyong BE, Dodd J, Adams ER, Sloan DJ, Creswell J, Dominguez J, Cuevas LE 4 December 2019 - Journal of Clinical Medicine
Technical publicationsPerceptions of drones, digital adherence monitoring technologies and educational videos for tuberculosis control in remote Madagascar: a mixed-method study protocol
Nouvet, Elysée, Astrid M. Knoblauch, Ian Passe, Andry Andriamiadanarivo, Manualdo Ravelona, Faniry Ainanomena Ramtariharisoa, Kimmerling Razafimdriana 4 March 2019 - BMJ Open