Screening and DiagnosisField Guide 2: Strategies for Effective TB Case Finding in Prisons and Closed Settings
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Screening and DiagnosisField Guide 3: Finding Missing People with TB in Communities
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Screening and DiagnosisField Guide 4: Intensified TB Case Finding at Facility Level
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Screening and DiagnosisField Guide 5: Scaling Up Interventions to Find Children with TB
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Screening and DiagnosisField Guide 6: Using Contact Investigation to Improve TB Case Detection
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Screening and DiagnosisField Guide 7: The Role of Laboratory Systems in TB Case Detection
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Technical publicationsWill more sensitive diagnostics identify tuberculosis missed by clinicians? Evaluating Xpert MTB/RIF testing in Guatemala
Jacob Creswell, Andrew J. Codlin, Silvia Oliva Flores, Maritza Samayoa, Oriol Ramis, Maria Elena Guardado 26 February 2019 - Gaceta Sanitaria
Technical publicationsPrevalence, Predictors, and Successful Treatment Outcomes of Xpert MTB/RIF–identified Rifampicin-resistant Tuberculosis in Post-conflict Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2012–2017: A Retrospective Province-Wide Cohort Study
André N H Bulabula Jenna A Nelson Eric M Musafiri Rhoderick MachekanoNadia A Sam-Agudu Andreas H Diacon Maunank Shah Jacob Creswell Grant TheronRobin M Warren Karen R Jacobson Jean-Paul Chirambiza Dieudonné KalumunaBertin C Bisimwa Patrick D M C Katoto Michel K Kaswa Freddy M BirembanoLiliane Kitete Martin P Grobusch Zacharie M Kashongwe Jean B Nachega 13 February 2019 - Clinical Infectious Diseases
Technical publicationsSystematic screening for tuberculosis among hospital outpatients in Cameroon: The role of screening and testing algorithms to improve case detection
Melissa S.Sander Sylvain N.Laah Collins N.Titahong Christian Lele Thompson Kinge Bouke Jong Jean-Louis F. Abena Andrew J. Codlin Jacob Creswell 1 May 2019 - Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases
Technical publicationsASAP-GxNet project in Burkina Faso: fulfil country capacity gaps to ensure efficient utilisation of GeneXpert instruments in tuberculosis care and cascade.
Alagna R, Sawadogo TL, Combary A, Diandé S, Cirillo DM. 1 February 2019 - ERJ Open Res.