Advocacy & CommunicationsPolitical declaration of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the fight against tuberculosis
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Technical publicationsCan the High Sensitivity of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra Be Harnessed to Save Cartridge Costs? Results from a Pooled Sputum Evaluation in Cambodia
Monyrath Chry ,Marina Smelyanskaya ,Mom Ky ,Andrew J Codlin ,Danielle Cazabon ,Mao Tan Eang and Jacob Creswell15 February 2020 - Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Technical publicationsAn Innovative Public–Private Mix Model for Improving Tuberculosis Care in Vietnam: How Well are We Doing?
Thuong Do Thu ,Ajay M.V. Kumar, Gomathi Ramaswamy, Thurain Htun, Hoi Le Van, Luan Vo Nguyen Quang, Thuy Dong Thi Thu, Andrew Codlin, Rachel Forse, Jacob Crewsell, Hoi Nguyen Thanh, Hai Nguyen Viet, Huy Bui Van, Hoa Nguyen Binh, and Nhung Nguyen Viet14 February 2020 - Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Screening and DiagnosisInfo Note: Practical Considerations for Implementation of Truenat
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Technical publicationsStandardized framework for evaluating costs of active case-finding programs: An analysis of two programs in Cambodia and Tajikistan.
Jo Y, Mirzoeva F, Chry M, Qin ZZ, Codlin A, Bobokhojaev O, Creswell J, Sohn H. 27 January 2020 - PLoS One
Technical publicationsEvaluating the use of educational videos to support the tuberculosis care cascade in remote Madagascar
H. Reeves, S. Grandjean Lapierre, K. Razafindrina, A. Andriamiadanarivo, N. Rakotosamimanana, T. Razafindranaivo, T. Seimon, B. Blalock, J. Bello-Bravo, B. Pittendrigh,8 J. McKinney, P. M. Small, A. M. Knoblauch, E. Fair 1 January 2020 - The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease