Over 130 participants from countries, partners and civil society came together at the Global Meeting of the Working Group on Public-Private Mix for TB prevention and care (PPM Working Group).  The meeting, held on 12 November in Paris, France, was convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Stop TB Partnership with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Fund. The meeting was organized on the sidelines of the 53rd Union World Conference on Lung Health.

The meeting was opened by Dr Tereza Kasaeva, Director of WHO’s Global TB Programme and Dr Madhukar Pai, Chair of the Stop TB PPM Working Group and Inaugural Chair of the Department of Global & Public Health at McGill University. TB survivor and advocate - Mazidatun Maftukhah - shared her personal journey on combating TB, and called for accountability of all care providers to ensure access to quality care.

“The increased engagement of private and unengaged public providers is one of the important drivers to close gaps in access to care and towards reaching the commitments made by world leaders in the political declaration of the second UN high-level meeting on TB,” said Dr Tereza Kasaeva, Director of WHO’s Global TB Programme. “It is encouraging to see new developments and innovative PPM models being implemented by countries including on expanded PPM monitoring through data dashboards to enhance accountability and prioritization of interventions based on patient needs.”

Dr Madhukar Pai, Chair of the PPM Working Group emphasised, “It is great to see TB programmes recover from the pandemic. Resilience of the private health sector played a key role in this recovery, especially in countries such as India, Indonesia and the Philippines. We now need to go beyond increasing case notifications and meaningfully improve patient outcomes in the private sector.”

The opening session also included welcome remarks from the Vice Chairs of the PPM Working Group, Dr William Wells, USAID and Dr Lal Sadasivan as well as by Dr Jacob Creswell, Stop TB Partnership and Dr Mohammed Yassin, Global Fund.

Key speakers and participants at the meeting:

  • Shared global, regional and national progress in prioritizing PPM to close gaps in access to prevention and care services including through the roll-out of the PPM roadmap.
  • Discussed ongoing efforts to strengthen PPM monitoring and accountability, through the TB-PPM dashboard Initiative, that is aligned with the roll out of the WHO’s multisectoral accountability framework on TB (MAF-TB).
  • Reviewed the outline of the 2nd PPM Roadmap to end TB.
  • Charted the way forward and identified key priorities for the PPM Working Group for the coming year, taking forward the commitments made by heads of State at the 2023 UN High Level Meeting on TB.

The opening session also included welcome remarks from the Vice Chairs of the PPM Working Group, Dr William Wells, USAID and Dr Lal Sadasivan as well as by Dr Jacob Creswell, Stop TB Partnership and Dr Mohammed Yassin, Global Fund.