1.05-00 Welcome
1.05-00.0 Addis Map

1.05-00.1 Welcome letter

1.05-00.2 practical information

1.05-00.3 Cocktail Reception

1.05-00.5 Evaluation form

1.05-00.6 Minutes Board Meeting 3rd May 2005

1.05-00.7 Minutes Board Meeting 4th May 2005

1.05-01 Administration
1.05-01.1 List of Participants

1.05-01.2 Draft Agenda

1.05-01.3 Documents List

1.05-01.4 Election of the Chair Summary

1.05-01.4a Nominating Committee Volunteers

1.05-01.5 Appointment of Vice Chair Summary

1.05-02 Progress Report 2004
1.05-02.0 Progress Report 2004 Summary

1.05-06 International Standards for TB Care
1.05-07 MSF
1.05-07.0 MSF Summary

1.05-07.1 MSF response Indonesia

1.05-07.2 MSF response INDIA

1.05-07.3 MSF Op-ED Old disease needs new cures

1.05-07.4 MSF World TB Day 2005

1.05-07.5 MSF Time to stop fooling ourselves

1.05-10 Focus on Africa
1.05-10.0 Focus on Africa Summary

1.05-10.1 Background Paper Africa Session

1.05-10.2 Draft RoadMap TB in Africa

1.05-10.3a - DRCongo

1.05-10.3b - Ethiopia

1.05-10.3c - Kenya

1.05-10.3d - Mozambique

1.05-10.3e - Nigeria

1.05-10.3f - SouthAfrica

1.05-10.3g - Uganda

1.05-10.3h - URTanzania

1.05-10.3i - Zimbabwe

1.05-13 Fidelis
1.05-13.0 Fidelis Summary

1.05-15 Kochon Foundation Award
1.05-15.0 Kochon Foundation Award Summary

1.05-16 Future Meetings
1.05-16.0 Future Meetings Summary

1.05-17 Ethiopian Consultation
1.05-17.0 Ethiopian Consultation Agenda