2.06-02 TB Control in South East Asia
2.06-02.0 TB in South-East Asia Summary Sheet

2.06-05 XDR-TB Drug Resistance and Global Response
2.06-05.0 XDRTB Drug Resistance and Global Response Summary Sheet

2.06-05.1 Report of the meeting of the WHO Global Task Force on XDR-TB

2.06-05.2 Frequently asked questions - XDR-TB

2.06-05.3 XDR-TB Update Nov06

2.06-05.4 Summary XDR-TB Response plan for Southern Africa 2006-2007

2.06-05.5 Weekly Epi Report XDR-TB

2.06-06 World Bank Economic Impact Analysis of TB
2.06-06.0 World Bank Economic Impact Study Summary

2.06-08 Monitoring and Evaluating Implementation of the Global Plan to Stop TB (2006-2015)
2.06-09 TB Research
2.06-09.0 TB Research Summary Sheet

2.06-09.1 Strategic Paper on Global Stop TB Research Movement

2.06-09.2 TAG Funding for Research Ex. Sum and Recommendations

2.06-09.3 Appendix A - Top 40 Reporting TB R&D Funders in 2005

2.06-09.4 Appendix B - Actual or Potential TB R&D Funders not Reported on

2.06-12 Financial Sustainability of GDF grant recipients
2.06-12.0 Financial Sustainability of GDF grant recipients Summary Sheet

2.06-12.1 The GAVI financial sustainability planning process

2.06-12.2 Building national drug management capacity while inducing financial sustainability

2.06-12.3 GDF Sustaining the Gains Strategy

2.06-14 The Partners Forum
2.06-14.0 The Partners Forum Summary Sheet