• Knowledge and attitudes towards TB among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    Main S, Dwihardiani B, Hidayat A, Khodijah S, Greig J, Chan G, Parry AE, Nababan B, Billy I, du Cros P, Triasih R.

    Publication date: 21 Sep 2022
  • Diagnostic Accuracy of the Truenat MTB Plus Assay and Comparison with the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay to Detect Tuberculosis among Hospital Outpatients in Cameroon

    Ngangue YR, Mbuli C, Neh A, Nshom E, Koudjou A, Palmer D, Ndi NN, Qin ZZ, Creswell J, Mbassa V, Vuchas C, Sander M.

    Publication date: 17 Aug 2022
  • Effectiveness of women-led community interventions in improving tuberculosis preventive treatment in children: results from a comparative, before–after study in Ethiopia

    Jerene D, Assefa D, Tesfaye K, Bayu S, Seid S, Aberra F, Bedru A, Khan A, Creswell J

    Publication date: 21 Jul 2022
  • Impact of intensified tuberculosis case finding at health facilities on case notifications in Cameroon: A controlled interrupted time series analysis

    Adamou Mana Z, Beaudou CN, Hilaire KFJ, Konso J, Ndahbove C, Waindim Y, Ganava M, Malama T, Matip C, Meoto P, Wandji IAG, Fundoh M, Mbuli C, Comfort V, Teyim P, Alba S, Creswell J, Mbassa V, Sander M.

    Publication date: 19 Jul 2022
  • First and second doses of Covishield vaccine provided high level of protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in highly transmissible settings: results from a prospective cohort of participants residing in congregate facilities in India

    Tsundue T, Namdon T, Tsewang T, Topgyal S, Dolma T, Lhadon D, Choetso T, Woesal T, Yangkyi T, Gupta A, Peters D, Paster Z, Phunkyi D, Sadutshang T, Chaisson R, Dorjee K

    Publication date: 24 May 2022
  • Time Trend Analysis of Tuberculosis Treatment While Using Digital Adherence Technologies—An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Eleven Projects across Ten High Tuberculosis-Burden Countries

    de Groot LM, Straetemans M, Maraba N, Jennings L, Gler MT, Marcelo D, Mekoro M, Steenkamp P, Gavioli R, Spaulding A, Prophete E, Bury M, Banu S, Sultana S, Onjare B, Efo E, Alacapa J, Levy J, Morales MLL, Katamba A, Bogdanov A, Gamazina K, Kumarkul D, Ekaterina OL, Cattamanchi A, Khan A, Bakker MI.

    Publication date: 22 Apr 2022
  • Engaging pharmacies in tuberculosis control: operational lessons from 19 case detection interventions in highburden countries

    Bigio J, Aquilera Vasquez N, Huria L, Pande T, Creswell J, Ananthakrishnan R, Bimba JS, Cuevas LE, Vo L, Bakker MI, Rahman MT, Pai M.

    Publication date: 19 Apr 2022
  • Pooling sputum for Xpert MTB/RIF and Xpert Ultra testing during the Covid-19 pandemic in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    Iem V, Chittamany P, Suthepmany S, Siphanthong S, Somphavong S, Kontogianni K, Dodd J, Khan JAM, Dominguez J, Wingfield T, Creswell J, Cuevas LE.

    Publication date: 4 Apr 2022
  • What makes community health worker models for tuberculosis active case fnding work? A cross-sectional study of TB REACH projects to identify success factors for increasing case notifcations

    Dam TA, Forse RJ, Tran PMT, Vo LNQ, Codlin AJ, Nguyen LP, Creswell J.

    Publication date: 12 Mar 2022
  • Increasing TB/HIV Case Notification through an Active Case-Finding Approach among Rural and Mining Communities in Northwest Tanzania

    Abeid R, Mergenthaler C, Muzuka V, Goodluck A, Nkwabi T, Bigio J, Vasquez N A, Pande T, Haraka F, Creswell J, Rahman T, Straetemans M.

    Publication date: 12 Mar 2022
  • Digital Storytelling and Community Engagement to Find Missing TB Cases in Rural Nuh, India

    Quraishi S, Quraishi H, Yadav H, Singh A, Fasih I, Vasquez NA, Huria L, Pande T, Mumba O, Kamineni VV, Khan A.

    Publication date: 11 Mar 2022
  • Pooled testing of sputum with Xpert MTB/ RIF and Xpert Ultra during tuberculosis active case finding campaigns in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    Iem V, Chittamany P, Suthepmany S, Siphanthong S, Siphanthong P, Somphavong S, Kontogianni K, Dodd J, Khan JA, Dominguez J, Wingfield T, Creswell J, Cuevas LE.  

    Publication date: 14 Feb 2022