TB REACH publications
Technical publicationsImpact of intensified case-finding strategies on childhood TB case registration in Nepal
Joshi B, Chinnakali P, Shrestha A, Das M, Kumar A. M. V, Pant R, Lama R, Sarraf, R. R, Dumre S. P, Harries A. D 21 June 2015 - Public Health Action
Publication date: 21 Jun 2015 -
Technical publicationsTesting pooled sputum with Xpert MTB/RIF for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis to increase affordability in low income countries
ST Abdurrahman, O Mbanaso, L Lawson, O Oladimeji, M Blakiston, J Obasanya, R Dacombe, ER Adams, N Emenyonu, S Sahu, J Creswell, and LE Cuevas 27 May 2015 - Journal Clinical Microbiology
Publication date: 7 May 2015 -
Technical publicationsComparative meta-analysis of tuberculosis contact investigation interventions in eleven high burden countries.
L Blok, S Sahu, J Creswell, S Alba, R Stevens, and MI Bakker 26 March 2015 - PLOS One
Publication date: 26 Mar 2015 -
Technical publicationsPatient and community experiences of tuberculosis diagnosis and care within a community-based intervention in Ethiopia: a qualitative study
O Tulloch, S Theobald, F Morishita, DG Datiko, G Asnake, T Tesema, H Jamal, P Markos, LE Cuevas, and MA Yassin 25 February 2015 - BMC Public Health
Publication date: 25 Feb 2015 -
Technical publicationsImplementation Research to Inform the Use of Xpert MTB/RIF in Primary Health Care Facilities in High TB and HIV Settings in Resource Constrained Settings.
M Muyoyeta, M Moyo, N Kasese, M Ndhlovu, D Milimo, W Mwanza, N Kapata, A Schaap, P Godfrey Faussett, and H Ayles 1 June 2015 - PLOS One
Publication date: 6 Jan 2015 -
Technical publicationsCost-utility analysis of LED fluorescence microscopy in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Indian settings
V Kelly, KD Sagili, S Satyanarayana, LW Reza, SS Chadha, and NC Wilson 1 June 2015 – IJTLD
Publication date: 6 Jan 2015 -
Technical publicationsIntroducing new tuberculosis diagnostics: the impact of Xpert® MTB/RIF testing on case notifications in Nepal
J Creswell, B Rai, R Wali, S Sudrungrot, LM Adhikari, R Pant, S Pyakurel, D Uranw, and AJ Codlin 1 May 2015 – IJTLD
Publication date: 5 Jan 2015 -
Technical publicationsTuberculosis among nomads in Adamawa, Nigeria: outcomes from two years of active case finding
S John, M Gidado, T Dahiru, A Fanning, AJ Codlin, and J Creswell 1 April 2015 – IJTLD
Publication date: 4 Jan 2015 -
Technical publicationsImplementing rapid testing for tuberculosis in Mozambique
Cowan J, Michel C, Manhiça I, Monivo C, Saize D, Creswell J, Gloyd S, and Micek M 1 February 2015 - Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Publication date: 2 Jan 2015 -
Technical publicationsPopulation-Level Impact of Active Tuberculosis Case Finding in an Asian Megacity
DW Dowdy, I Lotia, AS Azman, J Creswell, S Sahu, and AJ Khan 16 October 2013 - PLOS One
Publication date: 16 Oct 2014 -
Technical publicationsA Multi-Site Evaluation of Innovative Approaches to Increase Tuberculosis Case Notification: Summary Results
J Creswell, S Sahu, L Blok, MI Bakker, R Stevens, and L Ditiu 10 April 2014 - PLOS One
Publication date: 4 Oct 2014 -
Technical publicationsCost-effectiveness of a tuberculosis active case finding program targeting household and neighborhood contacts in cambodia.
RP Yadav, N Nishikiori, P Satha, MT Eang, and Y Lubell 10 March 2014 - American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Publication date: 3 Oct 2014