TB REACH publications
Prevalence and screening of active tuberculosis in a prison in the South of Brazil
Pelissari DM, Kuhleis DC, Bartholomay P, Barreira D, Oliveira CLP, de Jesus RS, Possa LA, Jarczewski CA, Nemeth LT, de Araujo ND, Alves PBL, de Souza R, Arakaki D, Dal Molin DB, Werlang P, Brouwer M.
Publication date: 1 Oct 2018 -
Nursing Guide for Managing Side Effects to Drug-resistant TB Treatment
Ann Raftery, Carrie Tudor, Lisa True, Catalina Navarro
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Publication date: 1 Oct 2018 -
Technical publicationsEvaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of Computer-Aided Detection of tuberculosis on Chest radiography among private sector patients in Pakistan
Syed Mohammad Asad Zaidi, Shifa Salman Habib, Bram Van Ginneken, Rashida Abbas Ferrand, Jacob Creswell, Saira Khowaja & Aamir Khan 17 August 2018 - Scientific reports
Publication date: 17 Aug 2018 -
Technical publicationsImpact of involvement of non-formal health providers on TB case notification among migrant slum-dwelling populations in Odisha, India.
Dutta, A., Pattanaik, S., Choudhury, R., Nanda, P., Sahu, S., Panigrahi, R., Padhi, B.K., Sahoo, K.C., Mishra, P.R., Panigrahi, P. and Lekharu, D. 23 May 2018 - PloS One
Publication date: 23 May 2018 -
Technical publicationsPatient-led active tuberculosis case-finding in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Emmanuel André, Olivier Rusumba, Carlton A Evans, Philippe Ngongo, Pasteur Sanduku, Marhegane Munguakonkwa Elvis, Habimana Ndwanyi Celestin, Ishara Rusumba Alain, Eric Mulume Musafiri, Jean-Pierre Kabuayi, Olivier le Polain de Waroux, Nadia Aït-Khaled, Michel Delmée h & Francis Zech 4 June 2018 - Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Publication date: 6 Apr 2018 -
Technical publicationsCommunity-based active case-finding to reach the most vulnerable: tuberculosis in tribal areas of India
A. Vyas, J. Creswell, A. J. Codlin, R. Stevens, V. G. Rao, B. Kumar, S. Khaparde, S. Sahu 3 December 2018 - The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Publication date: 12 Mar 2018 -
Technical publicationsProgrammatic Impact of Implementing GeneXpert MTB/ RIF Assay for the Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Respiratory Specimens from Pulmonary Tuberculosis Suspected Patients in Resource Limited Laboratory Settings of Eastern Nepal
Prakash Shrestha, Hemanta Khanal, Prasanna Dahal, Pranita Dongol 28 February 2018 - Open Mircobiology Journal
Publication date: 28 Feb 2018 -
Technical publicationsResults from a roving, active case finding initiative to improve tuberculosis detection among older people in rural cambodia using the Xpert MTB/RIF assay and chest X-ray
Andrew James Codlin Chry Monyrath Mom Ky Lisanne Gerstel Jacob Creswell Mao Tan Eang 1 December 2018 - Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases
Publication date: 12 Jan 2018 -
Technical publicationsPoor continuity of care for TB diagnosis and treatment in Zambian Prisons: a situation analysis
S. Hatwiinda, S. M. Topp, M. Siyambango, J. B. Harris, K. R. Maggard, C. Chileshe, N. Kapata, S. E. Reid and G. Henostroza 12 December 2017 - Tropical Medicine & International Health
Publication date: 12 Dec 2017 -
Health extension workers improve tuberculosis case finding and treatment outcome in Ethiopia: a large-scale implementation study
Daniel G Datiko, Mohammed A Yassin, Sally J Theobald, Lucie Blok, Sahu Suvanand, Jacob Creswell, Luis E Cuevas
Publication date: 2 Nov 2017 -
Tuberculosis active case finding in Cambodia: a pragmatic, cost-effectiveness comparison of three implementation models
Richard James, Keovathanak Khim, Lydia Boudarene, Joanne Yoong, Chea Phalla, Saly Saint, Pichenda Koeut, Tan Eang Mao , Richard Coker, and Mishal Sameer Khan
Publication date: 22 Aug 2017 -
Technical publicationsA score to predict and stratify risk of tuberculosis in adult contacts of tuberculosis index cases: a prospective derivation and external validation cohort study
Matthew J Saunders, Tom Wingfield, Marco A Tovar, Matthew R Baldwin, Sumona Datta, Karine Zevallos, Rosario Montoya, Teresa R Valencia, Jon S Friedland, Larry H Moulton, Robert H Gilman, Carlton A Evans 18 August 2017 - The Lancet Infectious Diseases
Publication date: 18 Aug 2017