Screening and DiagnosisGuide pratique de mise en œuvre des tests Truenat (version 3) [FR]
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Screening and DiagnosisInfo Note: Automated rapid NAATs for detection of TB and resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid
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Screening and DiagnosisSystematic Review of Pooling Sputum as an Efficient Method for Xpert MTB/RIF Tuberculosis Testing during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Luis E. Cuevas, Victor S. Santos, Shirley Verônica Melo Almeida Lima, Konstantina Kontogianni, John S. Bimba, Vibol Iem, Jose Dominguez, Emily Adams, Ana Cubas Atienzar, Thomas Edwards, S. Bertel Squire, Patricia J. Hall, and Jacob Creswell
Screening and DiagnosisFinding the missing millions: lessons from 10 active case finding interventions in high tuberculosis burden countries.
Tripti Pande, Nathaly Aguilera Vasquez, Danielle Cazabon, Jacob Creswell, Miranda Brouwer, Oriol Ramis, Robert Hartley Stevens, Ramya Ananthakrishnan, Shahina Qayyum, Chukwuka Alphonsus, Charity Oga-Omenka, Vaidehi Nafade, Paulami Sen, Madhukar Pai
Screening and DiagnosisSocial Enterprise Model (SEM) for private sector tuberculosis screening and care in Bangladesh.
Sayera Banu, Farhana Haque, Shahriar Ahmed, Sonia Sultana, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Razia Khatun, Kishor Kumar Paul, Senjuti Kabir, S. M. Mazidur Rahman, Rupali Sisir Banu, Md. Shamiul Islam, Allen G. Ross, John D. Clemens, Robert Stevens, Jacob Creswell
Screening and DiagnosisThe impact of chest radiography and Xpert MTB/RIF testing among household contacts in Chennai, India.
Ananthakrishnan R, Thiagesan R, Auguesteen S, Karunakaran N, Jayabal L, M J, Jagadeesan M, Stevens R, Codlin A J, Creswell J
Screening and DiagnosisThe TB REACH Initiative: Supporting TB Elimination Efforts in the Asia-Pacific.
Jacob Creswell, Amera Khan, Mirjam I Bakker, Miranda Brouwer, Vishnu Vardhan Kamineni, Christina Mergenthaler, Marina Smelyanskaya, Zhi Zhen Qin, Oriol Ramis, Robert Stevens, K Srikanth Reddy, Lucie Blok