2.10-02 Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
2.10 - 02.0 TB control in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland

2.10-04 MXDR-TB
2.10 - 04.0 MDR-TB summary

2.10-05A Global Fund Update
2.10 - 05.0A GF update summary

2.10-05B Advancing engagement and advocacy
2.10 - 05.0B Global Fund Enhancing Engagement and Advocacy

2.10-07 GDF Action Plan
2.10 - 07.0 GDF Summary

2.10-08 Special Session on Civil Society Engagement
2.10 - 08.0 Civil Society summary

2.10-12 Partnership Financial Issues
2.10 - 12.0 Finance summary

2.10-13 Closing Session
2.10 - 13.0 Closing summary