The introducing New Tools Project (iNTP) has been the largest multi-country roll-out of the Truenat technology (Molbio Diagnostics, Goa, India), with 301 instrument systems introduced in 9 high TB burden countries. Truenat is the first WHO-recommended rapid molecular test for detection of TB and rifampicin resistance that can be used at a peripheral level. The instruments have integrated batteries, in-built connectivity, and can be used at temperatures up to 40°C. Suitcases have also been provided to several countries to allow for portability, for use in active case finding activities in conjunction with the ultra-portable digital X-ray systems provided under the project.
Visit the Country Experiences page to learn more about how Truenat has been introduced under the project.
Countries that have implemented Truenat under the project

Availability through Stop TB Partnership's GDF
Truenat systems and reagents are available for any country through GDF with the following global access prices (prices as of March 2023 and subject to change; contact GDF for detailed terms):
Truenat systems
- Uno Dx Workstation: $10,000
- Duo Workstation: $14,000
- Quattro Workstation: $18,000
Truenat systems come with initial 1-year warranties, with the possibility to buy annual warranty extensions for $1,120 (regardless of workstation configuration). All warranties provide comprehensive service and maintenance, including repair and replacement of parts and equipment, plus on-site visits as required.
- MTB or MTB Plus tests are $7.90 each (test reagents include MTB sample pre-treatment pack, sample prep kit, chip kit)
- For every 100 MTB or MTB Plus tests procured, 20 MTB-RIF Dx tests are provided for free
For more information, see the GDF Diagnostics, Medical Devices & Other Health Products Catalog and GDF Diagnostics, Medical Devices & Other Health Products Ordering List