32 Outcomes
32 Stop TB Board Decision Points [.pdf]

32-00 Welcome
32-0.1 Welcome and Practical information [.pdf]

32-0.2 Visa Info_STPI [.pdf]

32-0.3 List of Documents [.pdf]

32-0.4 List of Participants_10 December 2019 [.pdf]

Group Reservation Form StopTB-UNOPS on 9-13 Dec 2019 [.pdf]

32-04 Global TB Financing
32-4.1 TB Financing Workshop Summary Columbia University Center for SustDev_April2019 [.pdf]

32-4.2 TBFinancingDialogue_MeetingSummary_Final [.pdf]

32-4.3 TAG-StopTB Reserach Funding Trends 2005-18 [.pdf]

32-4.4 Global TB Financing - Bridging the financial gaps in the TB response_Presentation [.pdf]

32-4.5 TAG Report Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends 2005-2018 [.pdf]

32-08 TB REACH 3.0
32-8.1_DRAFT TB REACH 3.0 Concept [.pdf]

32-8.2 TBREACH Paper on artificial intelligence to read chest radiographs for TB detection [.pdf]

32-8.3 Multi-Site Evaluation of Innovative Approaches to TB notification_TB REACH Wave 1_Plos One 2013 [.pdf]

32-8.4 Health extension workers improve TB finding&outcome in Ethiopia BMJ 2018 [.pdf]

32-8.5 Pragmatic approach to M&E interventions for improved TB detection_Methods Int Health 2014 [.pdf]

32-8.6 Learning Evaluation of 3 CAR Algorithms Scientifc Reports 2019 [.pdf]

32-8.7 Engaging the private sector in TB case detection Lancet ID 2012 [.pdf]

32-8.8 TB REACH 3.0_Presentation [.pdf]

32-9.1 Global Drug Facility_Presentation [.pdf]

32-9-2.1 Stop TB GDF Medicines Dashboard [.pdf]

32-9-2.2 Indicative lead-times for planning purposes for TB products [.pdf]

32-9-2.3 Budgeting Prices for TB Medicines through Global Drug FacilitySTP [.pdf]

32-9-2.4 REUTERS_New MDR-TB treatment cost for developing countries [.pdf]

32-9-2.5.1 Stop TB GDF Medicines Catalog [.pdf]

32-9-2.5.2 Stop TB Global Drug Facility Diagnostics Catalog [.pdf]

32-9-2.6 GDF_Technical_Information_Note_TBLAM [.pdf]

32-9-2.7 GDF_Technical_Information_Note_TBLAMP [.pdf]

32-9-2.8 GDF_Technical_Information_Note_Xpert [.pdf]

32-9-2.9 Model Service Level Agreement for Xpert Surcharges v1 [.pdf]

32-11 Stop TB Secretariat 2020
32-11.1 2018 Financial Management Report [.pdf]

32-11.2 Narrative to the 2018 Financial Management Report [.pdf]

32-11.3 Operating Principle for FPF_Diagnostics_Revised [.pdf]

32-11.4 Operating Principle for FPF_Medicine_Revised [.pdf]

32-11.5 Revised FPF Process Map - Diagnostics [.pdf]

32-11.6 Revised FPF Process Map - Medicines [.pdf]